
Copyright 2017 Cut Through Recordings



float decibelToFloat(float value)

Accepts a decibel value and returns its floating point equivalent.

float floatToDecibel(float value)

+ This is a collection of useful DSP related functions and algorithms. + if you feel anything is missing, please feel free to add it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/ /// Accepts a floating point value and returns its decibel equivalent. /// value should be in the range of -1 to 1 and returns a float in the /// range -96 to

float lagrpol(float[] arrX, float[] arrY, int order, float input)

Lagrange Interpolation Accepts: arrX = an array of x coordinates. arrY = an array of y coordinates. order = the number of coordinates (size of arrX & arrY) input = the x coordinate whose corresponding y value will be found Returns a y value along the curve that touches each (x,y) pair from arrX and arrY. The pair (input, sum) is a point on that curve.

float linearInterp(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float x)

Linear Interpolation between two points. (x1,y1) is the leftmost point and (x2,y2) is the rightmost point. x is some number between x1 and x2. Returns the corresopnding y value for x such that (x,y) is a point on the line that intersects (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)

float msToSamples(float ms, float sampleRate)

Accepts a time in milliseconds and the sample rate Returns the amount of samples that corresponds to the time in milliseconds.

int roundToInt(float x)

Simple nothrow @nogc method of rounding a float to an int

float samplesToMs(float samples, float sampleRate)

Accepts a number of samples and the sample rate. Returns the corresponding time in milliseconds.

float sinc(float x)

sinc(x) aka the sampling function.



MIT License Author(s): Ethan Reker